Silicon Valley Professional Scrum
Advanced Scrum Case Studies


The Silicon Valley Professional Scrum Advanced Scrum Case Studies Meetup meets every two weeks online.

Cases are published on this website 24-48 hours prior to the meeting.

To join the discussion, please use this Google Meetings link:

Next Case: A manager who diesn't get it, January 26th, 7:00pm PST and January 18th, 10:00am CET and 4:00pm ICT

You are an Agile Coach. You have been retained by a mid level manager to teach the Scrum Framework to her team of people.

You conduct a two day class covering all of the elements of the Scrum Framework. The Developers and the Product Owner are very engaged. At the end of the two days everyone agrees that they “get it” and are anxious to start using it.

The following day the mid level manager calls a meeting of the team. She asks you to join in.

When the meeting starts, the mid level manager tells the team that since they are all now trained in Agile she expects to see a marked improvement in their productivity. As a result she has re-written the project plan the team has been working against. The new plan has the same tasks as before, but now each task is estimated to take half as long as was previously allocated. She has advanced the delivery date of the final product to be 50% earlier than before.

Your assignment:

1) Analyze the situation vis-a-vai the Scrum Framework

2) Come up with a plan to deal with the situation.